Fun Stuff

STEAM Team Challenges
Science Technology Engineering Arts Math
Tower Power Challenge
Design, plan, and build a 12 inch paper tower that can support a can of food for 15 seconds.
Take the Challenge >>
Paper Roller Coaster Challenge
Design, plan, and build a paper roller coaster that gets your marble all the way around the track.
Take the Challenge >>

Singing Schools
If the walls of your school played a song, what would it sound like?
Draw It
Think of your favorite room in your school. Draw that room but make it even better!

Virtual Construction Coordinator
Be a Drone
Pretend you are a drone flying over your school. What do you see?
Paper Airplanes
Make two different paper airplanes. Does one fly farther than the other? If it does, why?

Project Manager
Build a Fort
In your living room, you are planning to build the best fort in the world, but you do not have any blankets to make the roof or the walls. What could you use instead of blankets to make the roof and walls?
Animal Helper
If you could pick one animal to help you clean up your classroom, which one would you pick? Why?

Iron Worker
Balance Beam
Imagine you are on a steel beam high up in the air. How would you walk across the beam without falling off?
Make a Wall
Draw and cut out 12 rectangles all the same size. Tape three of the paper rectangles together to make the letter H. Do this until all the rectangle pieces are gone. You should have 4 letter Hs. Stand the letter Hs up, make a square, and tape it together to make a wall.

Hammer Search
Oh no! I lost my hammer. What else could I use as a hammer?
Paper and Pencil
Make a pencil holder out of paper.

Hand Shapes
Using your hands, try to make these shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle. How many letters of the alphabet can you make?
Roof Angles
Lay a book down on a flat surface like a table. Put a crayon on the book. Slowly tilt the book up. What happens to the crayon? Notice the angle of the book compared to the angle of rooftops in your neighborhood. Do they look the same or different? Why do you think some roofs are angled?

Safety Officer
Hard Hat
Imagine you are the hard hat the Safety Officer is wearing. Make up a song about being a hard hat. What do you do? What do you see?
If you had a hard hat, what kind of stickers would you put on it? Draw a sticker for your hard hat.

Pretend you are using a dinosaur as a construction crane. How would you make it move and pick up things?
Dump Truck
Draw and cut out the parts of a dump truck: wheels, bed to collect dirt, cab where the driver sits. Now glue them together to make a dump truck.

Electricity can come from a lot of different sources. Solar panels use the rays of the ____ to make electricity. Can you fill in the blank?
Static Electricity
Blow up a latex balloon and rub it on your paints or head to create static electricity. Run a very small stream of water out of the faucet and move the balloon close to the water. Water happens to the water?

Cloud Spotting
A big blue sky is like a big blue painted wall and the clouds are the artwork. Next time you see a cloud, look at the shape and imagine what it could be.
Wall Art
Take your two favorite colors and make a pattern to paint on the wall of your school.